iPhone 4S on Sprint (Official)

"Hello again to all my friends", Remember that post I made a while back about iPhone coming (or going, depending on your side of the River Grand,) to sprint well me neither but... Yup, iPhone is on sprint now (if you're from the future i mean since it hasn't been released yet but), what does this mean? Double rainbow? nope... well maybe... possibly. But most likely means I will be retiring my BlackBerry Curve, it wasn't that fancy to begin with, but i was waiting till my contract was up to get a neat Android phone.

Any way back to real news, Apple recently had their little get together where all the hipsters holds hands and awaits anxiously, while drinking Starbucks, for Apple to release news on their upcoming gadgets that look just like the ones before but with cool sounding upgrade a suffix change like a number or letter, that being said OOOHH MY GAWWD [Skrillix reference], iPhone will be available on all carriers, yup ALL. CARRIERS!!!111oneone!!1 (I have
Sprint is what I'm trying to say) And with actual unlimited plans comes actual unlimited youtube, gmail, more youtube, facespace, unlimited posting shit on Facebook that ends with "-sent from my iPhone", unlimited stalking your ex-girlfriend*, unlimited blogger, unlimited limits, unlimited fapping, unlimited picture mail from your girlfriend**, and so on, the unlimited list is unlimited... well hopefully. Cross your fingies (funny way to say fingers) that sprint won't take the same path as AT&Titti and Verizon with the speed caps or "unlimited" plan (note the bunny ears aka quotation marks), that are only 2gb of unlimited GayDa (funny way to call data gay) -_-.

Well guys... I'm off to go sell drugs and street profrom for several hundred dollars since my sprint plan isnt up yet. But hell, what will not eating 3 meal a day do to my body, pft, nothing. At least ill have an iPhone :)

*ex-girlfriend required
**girlfriend required


Anonymous said...

Interesting, but Im not that big into the Iphone craze.

Anonymous said...

First AT&T, then Verizon, and now iphone is on Sprint. They're definitely making gonna be raking in money from all the customers from all those carriers. Hopefully this will take away from the "biopoly" that Verizon and AT&T seem to have in the cellphone business. It won't be long before T-Mobile has an iPhone too haha.

pv said...

so the iphone is going all over the main carriers now, wont be long till Tmobile usa gets it as well

TheGoon said...

t-mobiles going to have to come up with some new marketing just to keep up

neatfit said...

iPhone stiiill needs to be either better, or lower their price to be worth it, I'm quite decently poor, so I'd rather get a phone that is close or equal in functionality and the processor, but cheaper. I'm not sure if any phone has as good of a screen, but there are other better specs. Wonder how the marketing of iPhone will change with Jobs away.

Radu said...

I don't get why US carriers have different radio frequencies for their networks... My guess is it is because of the interferences, but this is insane. No manufacturer would make 4 products of the same model just because there are 4 different frequencies ranges for their network. Or... wait... they actually DO :P

Give Everything said...

i want it to come out so i cane buy a 3gs cheaper :p...great post!

Anonymous said...

Hmm another iphone... I dont have one, but does the first iphone work just as good as this one? Seems like wasted money!

Jonathan said...

I wish the UK tariffs were as cheap as the US ones :l

Deso said...


Anonymous said...

Looks good I love my Iphone!

Anonymous said...

I almost cryed when i figure out that was not iPhone 5

The Rev. Archimedes said...

haha i love the 'girlfriend required' comments!

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